Farming is a direct connection between our health and that of the earth, and for decades conventional farming practices have forced farmers to choose between the planet or profit. Monarch’s innovative AgTech is helping fix this flawed system. With the purchase of Monarch’s MK-V tractor, Peter Michael Winery is closing its chapter on fossil-fuel farming and beginning a new one of green farming, free from the expense, hassles, and health hazards of diesel and toxic chemicals.
The Power of Ag Solar
In addition to installing solar panels in 2008, Peter Michael Winery has been integrating electric farm equipment into all facets of its business. It was a deliberate decision to reduce its carbon emissions and be a true steward for the land, wildlife, and natural resources. That foresight is paying off.
There is much to gain by electrifying a farm. Peter Michael Winery is maximizing those gains and expediting return on investment on its electric farm equipment by moving closer to an independent energy system. The solar panels generate 85% of the winery’s electricity.
With Monarch, we leave behind the fossil fuel era of farming as we migrate toward an era where we can power our farms with the same energy growing our crops.
Carlo Mondavi, Chief Farming Officer, Monarch Tractor
By generating much of its own power, Peter Michael winery is poised to enjoy a healthy payback in fuel savings all while reducing carbon emissions, a major contributor to air pollution and atmospheric warming.
Because the MK-V is more than an electric tractor it can help Peter Michael winery be profitable with green farming in other ways. The MK-V tractor combines electrification, automation, data analysis, and visual reporting to streamline operations, improve operator safety, and boost productivity.
Monarch makes us three hundred million years more efficient as a planet and infinitely more profitable as farmers.
Peter Michael Winery, La Terre Rouge, Fall 2023

Peter Michael Winery also observes that with the MK-V, chemical-free farming costs less than conventional farming, marking the beginning of a much-needed change for farmers, consumers, and the planet’s health. This is how green should be!